Local artist Colin Bays has created a set of four cards featuring various architectural highlights of Acton. Two of them show gems of Churchfield Road: the Almshouses (as they were before redevelopment) and The Churchfield pub (now The Station House). The other two show the Old Action Fire Station (now the Oak Tree Anglican Fellowship) and Acton Library (now closed, awaiting redevelopment).
Notes about the building’s history are also included on each card. Further details: blank interior, A5 folded, envelopes included.
Each set costs £4.00, 40p of which will be donated to the Acton History Group.
If you would like to buy the cards, contact the artist’s brother David Bays, chair of the Acton History Group, on 020 8992 0287 or bayscolledge@talktalk.net
The Almshouses, East The Churchfield (now The
Churchfield Road Station House), Churchfield Road