About the CCA

The CCA was founded in 2000 by a group of people who live and work in and around Churchfield Road in Acton, London W3. It acts as a focus for community concerns and issues – including graffiti and fly-tipping, noise pollution, making the area more attractive.

It also has an important social role, bringing residents, community groups and businesses together for the enjoyment and benefit of all. One of the main ways it does this is by running the members-only Acton Central email list – a forum for news, gossip and invaluable advice. In addition, the CCA raises money for local charities, especially APPLE (Acton Play Projects and Leisure Events), based in Acton Park.

Mission statement

The CCA promotes and supports the community in and around Churchfield Road, Acton, London W3 by encouraging regeneration of the area and carrying out activities to improve the quality of life within it.


  • Increase membership of the CCA by at least 10% every year.
  • Publish a newsletter at least twice a year.
  • Maintain the www.churchfield.org website and focus on including the business community.
  • Monitor proposed developments in the Churchfield Road area.
  • Continue to be a forum for local issues.
  • Participate in community events to raise money for local charities.
  • Represent the community at local initiatives – e.g. Safer Neighbourhoods.
  • Continue to monitor and remove graffiti from Churchfield Road.


Acton cards
Purchase cards featuring Acton architectural gems and benefit the Acton History Group.

‘Stardom in Acton’
Did you know that The Who recorded this song in 1982 (for their album All the Best Cowboys (Have Chinese Eyes)? You can even see a pop video filmed at the time, showing Pete Townsend and the rest of the group walking around Churchfield Road!